Pelgrimsfles met decor van vogel op tak, reproductie van Ming-vaas

ObjectnummerOKS 1969-026
VervaardigingsplaatsJingdezhen (China)
Datering 1730 | Kangxi
ObjectnaamFles, pelgrimsfles
TechniekGeglazuurd, Onderglazuurschildering, Gedraaid en opgebouwd
Standplaats Keramiekmuseum Princessehof
Afmetingen Hoogte 30.0 cm
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The 'precious moon' flask shape so much admired by the Chinese is, alas, not Chinese in origin, but Syrian and was first made in glass there in the thirteenth century. There is a fine example in the Toledo Museum of Art, a piece which came from Damascus. In China the form is rounder, partly on account of the method of construction. It was in fact an easy shape to make. All the potter had to do was to put two shallow bowls together vertically, smooth the bottom flat, cut a small hole at the top and insert a short tubular neck, though curiously enough this method does not appear to heave become normal until the Qing dynasty. The fifteenth century examples are made of two deep moulded bowl shapes, set rim to rim, and flattened slightly, so that the join, instead of being vertically up the sides, is horizontal, straight around the middle of the body. However it was made, the flask certainly became very popular and was much admired by connoisseurs. This flask is an eighteenth century copy of a fifteenth century form/design.


  • Jingdezhen wares : the Yuan evolution : catalogue of an exhibition presented by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong and the Fung Ping Shan Museum / Addis, John M.