Insigne voor een mandarijn met decor van kraanvogel

ObjectnummerOKS 1981-117.A+B
VervaardigingsplaatsChina (Aziƫ)
Datering 1850 / 1900
ObjectnaamDoek, rangteken
MateriaalKatoen, Zijde
Standplaats Ontzameldepot
Afmetingen Breedte 29 cm
Lengte 27.5 cm
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The insignia for a mandarin's court robe, front part only. Polychrome weave and over black, lined blue. The representation is of a crane in white edged with blue, turquoise and red. The bird stands among wave, cloud and rock elements in white, blue and gold, associates with Daoist symbols and is enclosed by a swastika border in blue, yellow and red. The type of bird denotes the civil servant's rank and a crane on a mandarin square is associated with one of the highest ranks.